Welcome, Alumni!

More than 8000+ CBStians are going to join together on a huge global platform through CBS Alumni Network. This ever-growing wonderful community possesses CBStian spirit of ‘ever ready to meet and help’ will get further strengthened through this network. This will also serve to further gel your bonding with your unique Alma Mater – CBS. Your active role will contribute to the much-desired growth of this great citadel of learning.


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Stay Connected

In this way, we’d like to do our best to stay in touch with all of you to keep you updated with all that is happening at CBS. In Reciprocity, you would definitely love to contribute to promoting your Alma Mater – Chand Bagh School.

We will continue to provide you opportunities to recall your cherished memories of the unending sports field, tree gardens, expansive lawns, symmetrical arches of Jilani Block and of your dormitories, swimming pool and Equestrian club. Your unprecedented attachment and love with CBS encourage us to fostering your engagement to ensure your participation in Alumni activities. More frequent global reunions of CBStians will further connect us to know and promote alumni success stories. CBS cannot move forward without you. Our Alumni Community is so vibrant and enthusiastic to contribute that I feel encouraged and my confidence gets emboldened and I say “Nothing can Stop CBS Going Ahead”.

Don’t Wait

Join The Network